Function test

Last updated on October 14, 2022 7:13:49 PM

This is H1 title

Tested by zq on 2022/10/08.

2022/10/10: when the title contains spacebar, better use ‘-’ to connect between.

This is H2 title

Now we test in-line formula: a2+b2=c2a^2+b^2=c^2.

This is H3 title

Here we test math mode[1]

E=mc2E = mc^2

This is H4 title

Does it work?IDK.\text{Does it work?} IDK. Outside math mode here.

Picture test

Note that in markdown file path, we use / while in html we use \.


markdown format ![]() with spacebar in .png file name, folder contains spacebar as well.

![test1](/img/post/simple test/cavity photon lifetime.png)

markdown format ![]() with _ connected in .png file name, folder contains spacebar as well.

![test2](/img/post/simple test/cavity_photon_lifetime.png)

markdown format ![]() with spacebar in .png file name, folder doesn’t contain spacebar.

![test5](/img/post/PDH-method-theory/cavity photon lifetime.png)

markdown format ![]() with _ connected in .png file name, folder doesn’t contain spacebar.


cannot zoom picture in markdown format. But we have a title under the picture.


html format <img src=" " /> with spacebar in .png file name.


hrml format <img src=" " /> with _ connected in .png file name.


always work! But no title.



Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) method: first used in microwave frequency stabilization, then expanded to optical field in LIGO project.

A naive idea to lock the laser is to lock the laser on the transmission signal of FP cavity.

transmission signal

Transmitted intensity profile for a cavity with two identical mirrors. The blue curve represents the transmission profile of a cavity without losses. Mirror losses are considered for the orange curve.

However, for photon in a high finesse cavity, the lifetime is pretty long (τ=FL/πc\tau = \mathcal{F}L / \pi c, ~10μs\mu \mathrm{s}), which means the transmission signal have a delay on laser frequency.[2]

cavity photon lifetime

This is fatal, as any noise whose frequency is higher than 1/10μs100kHz1/10\mu\mathrm{s} \sim 100\mathrm{kHz} cannot be cancelled.

The solution is to utilize the reflection signal.

  1. alright let’s try some English instead of Chinese… 似乎并不是中文的锅=。= 似乎是[[^1]]后边需要有一个空格。:arrow_left:错误的,其实是因为英文冒号在markdown里有特殊含义。其他标点是可以正常work的。
  2. about the 加粗问题: see

Function test test
Posted on
October 8, 2022
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