Useful Tutorials
- 高中数学奇技淫巧 压轴题就靠他了
- numpy教程 梦开始的地方(x
- Quantum Information: Part I, Part II 不一定是最好的,但我看的第一个教材就是它了
- LaTeX教程: for Physicists, more math 超理牛逼(什么,你不会要写毕业论文了才学吧,快感谢zepinglee
- LaTeX on VSCode 保姆级教程,recipe记得使用latexmk
- 一个简单的Julia教程和一个更具体更物理的例子 你都会python了怎么能不会Julia呢
- 选择国内的Julia镜像站 (当然是选择信仰用USTC的镜像了
- Yao tutorial Lukin都在用!(滑稽,但是是真的。除了快,还方便跑路(划掉
- Tutorials to Quantum Machine Learning by Weikang Li
- …
Reviews and Theses
Trapped Ion
- Shantanu Debnath’s thesis on trapped 171Yb ion (pdf), Monroe group.
- Alexander Erhard’s thesis on trapped 40Ca ion (pdf), Blatt group.
- Quantum dynamics of single trapped ions (pdf), Reviews of Modern Physics.
Quantum Network
- Quantum networks with trapped ions (pdf), Large-scale modular quantum-computer architecture with atomic memory and photonic interconnects (pdf), quantum network.
- Long-distance quantum communication with atomic ensembles and linear optics (pdf), DLCZ scheme.
Rydberg Atom Array
- Sylvain de Léséleuc’s thesis on Rydberg atom array (pdf), Antoine Browaeys group.
- Harry Levine’s thesis on Rydberg atom array (pdf), Lukin group.
- Quantum science with optical tweezer arrays of ultracold atoms and molecules (pdf), Generation and manipulation of Schrödinger cat states in Rydberg atom arrays (arXiv:1905.05721), review and setup of Rydberg atom arrays (optical tweezer arrays).
- High-Fidelity Control and Entanglement of Rydberg-Atom Qubits (arXiv:1806.04682), High-fidelity entanglement and detection of alkaline-earth Rydberg atoms (arXiv:2001.04455), Rydberg atom arrays for quantum computing.
- R. Shankar - Principles of Quantum Mechanics and solution 个人认为写的最好的量子力学书,吊打Sakurai。世图曾有影印版,貌似绝版了(虽然我买了一本。solution和勘误是我自己整合的。
- Hui Zhai - Ultracold Atomic Physics and solution 翟荟老师的冷原子物理是我认为清华最好的物理课,好到我每节课提前半小时去坐第一排,好到这本冷原子我已经入正了(。当然这本冷原子写的也很好(配合课食用更佳。作业布置的部分习题解答已经上传到solution中了,不保证完全正确。翟荟,男神!B站2022秋季学期课程录像绝赞更新中:高研小卖部。
- A. Zee - Group Theory in a Nutshell 靠着A. Zee临时速成朱姐姐群论。虽然没读过其他的群论书(
- Lukin: Introduction to Quantum Information, Modern Atomic and Optical Physics II Lukin的课,无脑冲。